ZW3B :-:

Management of domain names associated with the server

Site user blocks : Account info / user rights / summary

We are not a domain name registry.

You must have a domain name that you have already subscribed to with a domain name registrar.

We can direct you to the company GANDI.Net which is the French referent for domain name registrations. They offer you a large number of domain extensions, from point FR to point BUSINESS). They offer you a very responsive DNS management that allows you to easily manage where your various Internet services are located.

On our platform, you only declare that a domain name belongs to you in order to be able to use the various free services that we offer.

Welcome !

Author of the section



  • Firstname : The Web
  • Lastname : : Master
  • Arrived on tuesday 09 august 2011 (2011/08/09 00:00)
    13 years activity !

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